78 research outputs found

    Handling location uncertainty in probabilistic location-dependent queries

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    Location-based services have motivated intensive research in the field of mobile computing, and particularly on location-dependent queries. Existing approaches usually assume that the location data are expressed at a fine geographic precision (physical coordinates such as GPS). However, many positioning mechanisms are subject to an inherent imprecision (e.g., the cell-id mechanism used in cellular networks can only determine the cell where a certain moving object is located). Moreover, even a GPS location can be subject to an error or be obfuscated for privacy reasons. Thus, moving objects can be considered to be associated not to an exact location, but to an uncertainty area where they can be located. In this paper, we analyze the problem introduced by the imprecision of the location data available in the data sources by modeling them using uncertainty areas. To do so, we propose to use a higher-level representation of locations which includes uncertainty, formalizing the concept of uncertainty location granule. This allows us to consider probabilistic location-dependent queries, among which we will focus on probabilistic inside (range) constraints. The adopted model allows us to develop a systematic and efficient approach for processing this kind of queries. An experimental evaluation shows that these probabilistic queries can be supported efficiently

    Network dynamics of eukaryotic LTR retroelements beyond phylogenetic trees

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Sequencing projects have allowed diverse retroviruses and LTR retrotransposons from different eukaryotic organisms to be characterized. It is known that retroviruses and other retro-transcribing viruses evolve from LTR retrotransposons and that this whole system clusters into five families: <it>Ty3/Gypsy, Retroviridae, Ty1/Copia, Bel/Pao </it>and <it>Caulimoviridae</it>. Phylogenetic analyses usually show that these split into multiple distinct lineages but what is yet to be understood is how deep evolution occurred in this system.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We combined phylogenetic and graph analyses to investigate the history of LTR retroelements both as a tree and as a network. We used 268 non-redundant LTR retroelements, many of them introduced for the first time in this work, to elucidate all possible LTR retroelement phylogenetic patterns. These were superimposed over the tree of eukaryotes to investigate the dynamics of the system, at distinct evolutionary times. Next, we investigated phenotypic features such as duplication and variability of amino acid motifs, and several differences in genomic ORF organization. Using this information we characterized eight reticulate evolution markers to construct phenotypic network models.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The evolutionary history of LTR retroelements can be traced as a time-evolving network that depends on phylogenetic patterns, epigenetic host-factors and phenotypic plasticity. The <it>Ty1/Copia </it>and the <it>Ty3/Gypsy </it>families represent the oldest patterns in this network that we found mimics eukaryotic macroevolution. The emergence of the <it>Bel/Pao, Retroviridae </it>and <it>Caulimoviridae </it>families in this network can be related with distinct inflations of the <it>Ty3/Gypsy </it>family, at distinct evolutionary times. This suggests that <it>Ty3/Gypsy </it>ancestors diversified much more than their <it>Ty1/Copia </it>counterparts, at distinct geological eras. Consistent with the principle of preferential attachment, the connectivities among phenotypic markers, taken as network-represented combinations, are power-law distributed. This evidences an inflationary mode of evolution where the system diversity; 1) expands continuously alternating vertical and gradual processes of phylogenetic divergence with episodes of modular, saltatory and reticulate evolution; 2) is governed by the intrinsic capability of distinct LTR retroelement host-communities to self-organize their phenotypes according to emergent laws characteristic of complex systems.</p> <p>Reviewers</p> <p>This article was reviewed by Eugene V. Koonin, Eric Bapteste, and Enmanuelle Lerat (nominated by King Jordan)</p

    Influence of curcumin (Curcuma longa) as a natural anticoccidial alternative in adult rabbits: first results

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    Coccidiosis is one of the most common ailments in rabbits farming and is usually treated with drugs that can produce resistance; therefore, a natural alternative was sought. The objective of the current study was to evaluate the efficacy of the aqueous extract of curcumin (Curcuma longa) on the excretion of oocysts of Eimeria spp. in New Zealand white rabbits. Twenty-four eight-month-old rabbits were divided into four groups of six animals to be C. longa extract administered at 0 (Control), 10, 25 or 40 mg/kg body weight (BW). Rabbit weights were recorded and faeces samples were collected on d 0, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 and 42. The McMaster technique was used for quantifying Eimeria spp. oocysts. Results were analysed using multivariate analysis of variance for repeated observations. Statistically significant differences (P<0.05) from d 28 were observed among the Control, the group of 25 mg/kg BW and that of 40 mg/kg BW. At d 42, statistically difference (P<0.05) among the Control group and the other three groups was observed. It could be concluded that C. longa decreased Eimeria spp. oocysts excretion efficiently at a dose of 40 mg/kg BW with 80.1, 63.7 and 64.9% for d 28, 35 and 42, respectively, with reducing concentration of eggs per gram of faeces with about 20.1, 15.6 and 17.8 for d 14, 21 and 35, respectively. However, further studies are needed to assess and confirm the antiparasitic activity of C. longa

    Análisis estratégico de La Zaragozana

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    Este trabajo analiza La Zaragozana, una de las empresas de mayor relevancia en Aragón, dicho análisis se ejecuta desde una perspectiva estratégica. El trabajo comienza con la realización de un breve resumen acerca de la empresa, en el cual se presenta su historia, productos y objetivos. Una vez conocida la empresa se analiza el entorno externo de La Zaragozana, con ello se expone el contexto en el cual compiten las empresas y las características específicas de la industria cervecera. Además se analizan brevemente las empresas con las cuales compite y de qué manera se reparten el mercado. Una vez estudiado el entorno de la empresa, ésta se analiza internamente, con ello se conocen los recursos y capacidades con los cuales cuenta La Zaragozana y la importancia de estos en la creación de valor del producto final. Tras analizar la empresa desde los puntos de vista externos e internos se realiza un análisis DAFO, el cual muestra la situación actual de la empresa. Para finalizar, se concluye cuál es la estrategia empleada por La Zaragozana, puesto que conocemos todos los aspectos de la empresa y si cuenta con una ventaja competitiva

    Escape room digital: las GBL y TAC cómo método de innovación docente en FP de Técnico en Operaciones de Laboratorio

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    En este trabajo se va a exponer la propuesta de innovación docente de una actividad fuera del horario escolar en el Centro Público Integrado de Formación Profesional Corona de Aragón: un escape room digital. La actividad se fundamenta en una metodología de aprendizaje a través del juego (game-based learning) y, a su vez, se han empleado tecnologías del aprendizaje y la comunicación para llevarla a cabo. La actividad consiste en un repaso de los contenidos de una unidad didáctica del módulo de “Seguridad y Organización en el Laboratorio” del título de grado medio de Técnico en Operaciones de Laboratorio cuya finalidad es la de ayudar al alumnado a superar el examen final. La alta participación y entusiasmo de los participantes reflejó la motivación del grupo clase. Si se considera el objetivo de la actividad, el repaso de los conocimientos adquiridos, destaca que solamente unos pocos participantes la realizaron tras haber estudiado, mientras que el resto la enfocó como una forma de detectar la falta de conocimientos. Muchos afirmaron que les sirvió de ayuda para comprender algunos conceptos sobre los que tenían dudas, sin embargo, solamente la mitad del alumnado consiguió superar el examen. Estos resultados evidencian que la actividad propuesta en sí misma no consigue alcanzar los objetivos para todo el grupo clase y, por tanto, es conveniente reforzarla. Para mejorar la actividad se han realizado distintas propuestas como: graduar la dificultad, incorporar distintas soluciones, integrar el trabajo cooperativo o añadir penalizaciones temporales entre otras.<br /

    Diseño y desarrollo del subconjunto patín de un contenedor de residuos sólidos urbanos

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    Los Contenedores de Residuos Sólidos Urbanos de Carga Lateral, en su fondo presentan unos elementos que por una parte protegen el cuerpo del cubo y por otro ayudan a desplazarlos cuando el camión de recogida interactúa con ellos. Están formados por un elemento rodante (rodillo) y un soporte que va fijado al fondo del contenedor. Estos elementos son los patines y representan el objeto del proyecto. Se realizará un estudio sobre la innovación y desarrollo de un patín. En este contexto se desarrollarán los siguientes apartados: memoria del producto, información técnica (planos) y presupuesto. El objetivo de este proyecto es diseñar un patín que cumpla con su adecuada relación entre forma y función y que además lo haga de la forma más económica posible. Así mismo, el proyecto también ha de definir y delimitar cada una de las partes y aspectos del producto, así como su plan de fabricación y producción, justificando la toma de decisiones en el desarrollo del mismo. Esta definición servirá para conocer la viabilidad del proyecto y para valorar la continuidad del mismo. El diseño del patín será fabricado por la empresa “Contenur” la cual adquirirá los componentes comerciales que se indican en apartados posteriores de proveedores diversos y fabricará los diseños propios, ensamblando ambas partes en su cadena de montaje. Descrito por puntos, las mejoras actúan en torno a:- Cantidad de material utilizado para fabricar el producto. Esta medida servirá a la empresa para optimizar el beneficio.- Disminución en el número de componentes, lo cual también abaratará el producto.- Redefinición de la función (y por tanto de la forma) del patín debido a una modificación en el cuerpo del cubo

    Geographically distributed real-time co-simulation of electric vehicle

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    The present paper shows the capabilities of a distributed real-time co-simulation environment merging simulation models and testing facilities for developing and verifying electric vehicles. This environment has been developed in the framework of the XILforEV project and the presented case is focused on a ride control with a real suspension installed on a test bench in Spain, which uses real-time information from a complete vehicle model in Germany. Given the long distance between both sites, it has been necessary to develop a specific delay compensation algorithm. This algorithm is general enough to be used in other real-time co-simulation frameworks. In the present work, the system architecture including the communication compensation is described and successfully experimentally validated

    Buenas prácticas de manejo en la faena de ñandú

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    Esta publicación tiene por objetivo brindar a los técnicos y productores, en detalle, el proceso de faena, en base a la normativa vigente y las consignas técnicas nacionales e internacionales para asegurar el bienestar animal de esta especie en el intento de hacer un uso sustentable de la misma. La misma plantea la utilización de una especie nativa, como el ñandú, de alto valor económico que es a menudo considerada perjudicial y por ello combatida. Esta especie puede ser integrada a sistemas agropecuarios ampliando su base económica y ecológica, contribuyendo a su diversificación y sostenibilidad.EEA BalcarceFil: Garriz, Carlos. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Tecnología de Alimentos, Castelar, Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Sánchez, Marisa. Ministerio de Producción y Trabajo. Secretaría de Agroindustria. Subsecretaría de Ganadería, Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Bernad, Lucía. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Balcarce; Argentin

    Inducible model for β-six-mediated site-specific recombination in mammalian cells

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    The prokaryotic β recombinase catalyzes site-specific recombination between two directly oriented minimal six sites in chromatin-integrated substrates. Here, we demonstrate that an enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP)-fused version of β recombinase (β-EGFP) is fully active, retaining most specific activity. It is used to develop a recombination-dependent activatable gene expression (RAGE) system based on the androgen receptor (AR) ligand-binding domain (LBD). Two hybrid molecules, a direct fusion of the LBD-AR to the C-terminus of β recombinase (β-AR) and a triple fusion of β-EGFP to the same ligand-binding domain (β-EGFP-AR), were engineered and their subcellular behavior, stability and catalytic activity were evaluated. Both chimeric β recombinase proteins showed in vivo inducible recombinogenic activity dependent on addition of an androgen receptor agonist, although the β-AR fusion protein demonstrated more accurate ligand-dependent translocation from cytoplasm to nucleus

    Cardiac Bmi1(+) cells contribute to myocardial renewal in the murine adult heart

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    Introduction: The mammalian adult heart maintains a continuous, low cardiomyocyte turnover rate throughout life. Although many cardiac stem cell populations have been studied, the natural source for homeostatic repair has not yet been defined. The Polycomb protein BMI1 is the most representative marker of mouse adult stem cell systems. We have evaluated the relevance and role of cardiac Bmi1(+) cells in cardiac physiological homeostasis. Methods: Bmi1(CreER/+); Rosa26(YFP/+) (Bmi1-YFP) mice were used for lineage tracing strategy. After tamoxifen (TM) induction, yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) is expressed under the control of Rosa26 regulatory sequences in Bmi1(+) cells. These cells and their progeny were tracked by FACS, immunofluorescence and RT-qPCR techniques from 5 days to 1 year. Results: FACS analysis of non-cardiomyocyte compartment from TM-induced Bmi1-YFP mice showed a Bmi1 (+)-expressing cardiac progenitor cell (Bmi1-CPC: B-CPC) population, SCA-1 antigen-positive (95.9 +/- 0.4 \%) that expresses some stemness-associated genes. B-CPC were also able to differentiate in vitro to the three main cardiac lineages. Pulse-chase analysis showed that B-CPC remained quite stable for extended periods (up to 1 year), which suggests that this Bmi1(+) population contains cardiac progenitors with substantial self-maintenance potential. Specific immunostaining of Bmi1-YFP hearts serial sections 5 days post-TM induction indicated broad distribution of B-CPC, which were detected in variably sized clusters, although no YFP+ cardiomyocytes (CM) were detected at this time. Between 2 to 12 months after TM induction, YFP+ CM were clearly identified (3 +/- 0.6 \% to 6.7 +/- 1.3 \%) by immunohistochemistry of serial sections and by flow cytometry of total freshly isolated CM. B-CPC also contributed to endothelial and smooth muscle (SM) lineages in vivo. Conclusions: High Bmi1 expression identifies a non-cardiomyocyte resident cardiac population (B-CPC) that contributes to the main lineages of the heart in vitro and in vivo.We wish to thank M. Torres, J.M. Perez-Pomares and B.G. Galvez for critical discussions of the manuscript, A. M. Santos for assistance with confocal microscopy and dynamic imaging, R.M. Carmona for help with the animal colony management, F.S. Cabo for bioinformatics and statistical support, J.M Ligos for the sorting strategy, and K. McCreath and C. Mark for editorial support. This study was supported by grants to A.B. from the Ministry of Science and Innovation (SAF2012-34327; PLE2009-0147 and PSE-010000-2009-3), the Research Program of the Comunidad Autonoma de Madrid (S2010/BMD-2420), the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (RETICS-RD12/0019/0018 and RETICS-RD12/0019/0023) and the European Commission (Proposal 242038). The CNB-CSIC and CNIC are supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.S